ArticleYoung Man: Salt and Light?

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Angelina Quensi

5 minutes - Wednesday, November 8, 2023

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Salt and light - In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), youth is defined as someone who is still young. As young people, as a valuable part of society, young people bring unlimited enthusiasm, ideas, innovation and energy.

Youth is the most important phase in human life, often referred to as the golden age, because this is the time to work, start dreams, pursue goals, and form identities. However, in the modern era which is characterized by technology and cultural changes, the challenges for young people are even more complex.

Within the Christian spiritual framework, the responsibility of young people as salt and light in the world is very important in maintaining and updating Christian values in the new generation.

In the Bible, the Lord Jesus taught that every believer is called to be the salt and light of the world. In Matthew 5:13-16 there is written a parable about the salt and light of the world.

Literally, salt is used to flavor and preserve food from spoiling. Likewise young people are analogous to "salt of the earth", which means young people must give a sense of being a good influence on others.

Besides that, salt can also preserve, in this case young people are expected to be able to prevent damage and maintain the values of truth that are in line with God's Word.

Young people can begin to become salt in many ways even in everyday interactions and small actions such as supporting friends, showing love, rebuking friends when they are wrong, and many more, all of which are manifestations of salt which gives taste and prevents damage.

As salt exists to salt, so does light exist, namely to illuminate. Young people with all the potential that God has given, are expected to be able to be a light that illuminates, to be a light in the midst of darkness like a candle. Even though a candle is small, it can have a big impact on the environment.

Candles will not illuminate a place that is already bright, candles will be more useful in the dark, small but their light seems to give hope in the dark. Young people are asked to be a light in a world full of confusion and uncertainty.

Why should young people play the role of salt and light in the world?

First of all, young people have the ability to create significant change. Young people have the ability to influence their peers and the next generation. These actions can set a powerful example of how to live by Christian values in a complex world.

In the role of salt and light, young people can begin to set positive examples in words, actions and Christian character for those around them. Especially with the development of technology and culture that continues to change over time, young people seem to be a breath of fresh air that brings ideas and innovations.

Second, as agents of change, young people have the power to overcome the challenges of modern times. Technology brings various temptations and distractions, but young people who are firm in their faith can overcome these temptations and use technology for good purposes, such as spreading God's Word and providing positive inspiration through social media.

This ability can be an effective tool for introducing Christianity to a wider audience. Moreover, the world needs the light of truth in moral confusion and darkness. Young people as light can become an open book about God and His teachings.

Third, the vocation of young people as salt and light in the world strengthens the Christian community. Young people who are active in church ministry can bring new enthusiasm and energy needed by the church in carrying out various programs and activities.

This helps the church to stay relevant and dynamic in facing changing times. So it feels right that young people are called the pillars of church development. In addition, young people are part of the body of Christ who collectively have a calling to spread the Gospel as good news and good news. To be salt and light is part of this great calling.

Fourth, this task enriches the personal relationship with God. Being salt and light requires young people to be involved in Bible study, prayer, fellowship, and ministry. It supports spiritual growth, strengthens a relationship with God, and prepares young people for greater assignments.

Lastly, as healers, in a world full of suffering, injustice, and division, young people exist as a solution. Young people, with a spirit of hope and longing for justice, can become agents of change in bringing about healing and restoration in a wounded world.

The younger generation has great potential to bring positive change in this world according to their calling as salt and light. By maintaining integrity, setting an example, engaging in social service, strengthening relationships with God, and contributing in various fields, young people can carry out their role in implementing Christian spiritual values in their daily lives.

Through church and community support, they are able to overcome challenges and grow in understanding and implementing this calling.

When you are young, of course this is not an easy thing to do, but it is also not impossible. As being salt and light is God's calling for all believers, so believe that He will not only call. He, the same God, will also equip, and always be with.

Maybe the world will start booing, you sanctimonious bastard, it usually is. But believers live not to be conformed to the world. Difficult doesn't mean impossible, it just means you need to work a little harder.

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