ArticleWhat Does The Bible Say About Gratitude?

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Angelina Quensi

5 minutes - Thursday, August 24, 2023

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The meaning of gratitude according to the Bible - Since Sunday school, children have begun to be taught about major figures in the Bible. One of them is the Apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul is one of the great figures of the New Testament.

Meeting the Lord Jesus on the way to Damascus was a turning point in his life. Paul, formerly known as Saul, before repenting and following Jesus was an extraordinarily evil person in that era. Saul often persecuted believers, and his journey to Damascus was also to find, arrest, and bring believers to Jerusalem (Acts 9:2).

God’s power is not limited to space and time. On the way to Damascus, Saul saw an unusually bright light coming from the sky. He fell to the ground and became blind. Saul’s personal encounter with God was the moment when Saul, who is now Paul, was chosen by God to be a means of His testimony (Acts 9:15).

Becoming a believer, preaching the gospel to many nations, and establishing churches everywhere, did not necessarily make Paul’s life easier. He often faces various sufferings.

During his ministry, Paul experienced things that were humanely unpleasant. Not only suffering mentally, but also physically. Paul was once openly rejected when preaching the Gospel. Not all accept and practice Paul’s teachings.

But more than that, Paul was beaten, whipped, stoned, even languishing in prison. Roman prisons at that time were underground, dark and stuffy. But being behind bars did not make Paul lose his faith and passion in serving God.

Paul never blamed God for anything that God allowed to happen in his life. From behind bars, Paul was still able to strengthen God’s congregation through his letters.

Paul often begins his letters by expressing gratitude for the faith, love, and support given by the early church. In difficult circumstances, Paul set an example of being grateful.

In Philippians 4:11-12 it is written; I say this not because I am lacking, for I have learned to be self-sufficient in all circumstances. I know what lack is and I know what abundance is. In everything and in all things nothing is a secret to me; both in terms of being full, and in terms of hunger, both in terms of plenty and in terms of want. The Apostle Paul succeeded in being a role model of being grateful. So really, what is gratitude?

What is Gratitude?

Gratitude can be described as a state of appreciating, being thankful, or showing gratitude. It is a positive emotion or attitude that arises when one recognizes, acknowledges kindness, generosity, or blessings received from someone or something else.

Being grateful should be the identity of a believer. In Paul’s teaching to the Thessalonian congregation, the Apostle Paul taught, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thess 5:18).

Gratitude is a fundamental aspect of human relationship with God. Thanksgiving in the Bible is not just a superficial expression of gratitude, but a deep acknowledgment of God’s work and involvement in every aspect of life.

Through being grateful, humans are like opening a door for a deeper relationship with God, and strengthening faith.

Humanly speaking, this is not easy. But it must be done. Humans need to realize that everything that happens in life is because of God’s grace and mercy.

Quoting Job 2:10 ; How come we want to receive good from God, but do not want to accept bad?. If this verse can be a reflection that good and bad will also be a part that accompanies the journey of human life. Of course all with God’s permission. For that, humans need to learn to give thanks in everything.

Why Have Gratitude?

In Recognition of the Goodness of God

The Bible teaches that God is the creator of all things and the source of every good and perfect gift (James 1:17). Expressing gratitude helps believers to acknowledge and appreciate God’s blessings, provision, and faithfulness in believers lives.

As a Form of Humility and Dependence on God

Gratitude fosters humility by acknowledging that all that is good comes from God. This reminds believers that humans depend on God’s grace and provision. Being grateful helps people recognize their need for God and cultivate a sense of dependence on Him.

As an Antidote to Selfishness

Gratitude helps believers avoid the mindset of always looking for more, and encourages satisfaction with more than what God has provided. Being grateful enables believers to be self-sufficient with everything, in every way. To not demand more just to satisfy the flesh.

For Joy and Inner Peace

When believers cultivate a grateful heart, believers will experience a deep sense of contentment, peace, and joy. Being grateful also enables humans to have a positive outlook on life. To not focus on what is lacking, but to focus on what is.

In the end, being grateful in every circumstance is a way to cultivate a more meaningful life. The Bible teaches that gratitude is more than an expression of gratitude. But more than that, as a form of appreciation for God’s work in human life.

Although not always life goes smoothly. There are times when at a certain point in human life, humans are faced with obstacles, difficulties, and struggles. But for whatever it is, let’s declare that God is good. Let’s be grateful.

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