ArticleWhat is a Church? Know and Understand the Duties of the Church

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Angelina Quensi

5 minutes - 17 May 2023

Erista ChMS: Know and Understand the Duties of the Church

What’s a church? - According to the big Indonesian dictionary (KBBI), there are two definitions of the church. The church is defined as a building (house) for praying and carrying out Christian religious ceremonies.

In addition, the church is also interpreted as a body (organization) of Christians who share the same beliefs, teachings, and procedures for worship. So what exactly is the meaning of the church? Is it true that the understanding of the church is limited to buildings and organizations? In this article, you will get to know the meaning and duties of the church.

The word church is taken from the Greek “Ekklesia” which means “called out". The word ekklesia is a combination of the preposition which means (out) and the “kaleo” (klesia) which means to be (called).

Specifically, the word is used to describe a group of people who are called out for a specific and definite purpose. Based on this, the understanding of the church is not limited to buildings, but also to people.

In the world, the Church has three tasks or what is better known as the tri-duty of church calling, including:

Allies (Koinonia)

Communion plays an important role in the church. The essence of fellowship is to encourage a sense of community and oneness among believers. Humans are social beings who, in carrying out their social, national and state life, certainly need other people.

The church is a place where believers fellowship, build relationships with one another to get to know each other, support, share and learn.

Through fellowship, each individual can also deepen his relationship with the Lord Jesus. By playing a role in ministry, believers can communicate and feel His presence in a powerful way.

Overall, the goal of fellowship is to help believers grow in faith, build deep and meaningful relationships with others, and more than that, to glorify God.

Through fellowship, churches can build relationships with one another.

Through fellowship, the church can become a community that helps each individual grow in faith. Because we can learn from each other, share knowledge, share experiences and support each other in the growth of faith.

Through fellowship, the church can create a warm and open community. The church can show that everyone is valuable, valued and loved.

The Bible passage that highlights the value of fellowship is found in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. Apostle Paul gives an illustration if the church is like a body. Like the word body, each member has its own function. But still one unit. No matter how small a member of the body, it still plays a role to complement and has its own value.

So is the congregation. Each individual is given a gift that is different from one another.

So, in fellowship there is growth, there are relationships that are established, and above all there is learning to be more like Him.

Witness (Marturia)

Witnessing refers to the function of bearing witness to the truthfulness of the gospel. In the New Testament, the term marturia is often used to describe the role of believers in sharing their faith and giving testimony about the saving work of the Lord Jesus.

One example is found in Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” Through this verse, the Lord Jesus commanded his followers to bear witness to his life, death, and resurrection, and to share the good news and news of salvation with others.

The call to proclaim the Gospel through witness is an important function of the church. Because through testimony can save more souls.

This is also emphasized because it is stated in the Great Commission of Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore, make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teach them to do everything that has been I command you. And know that I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

For this reason, let’s share the good news and good news to others.

Serve (Diakonia)

The church is God’s representative to express His love and kindness to the world. In the context of the church, Diakonia refers to the function of serving others in love and compassion, as a way of reflecting the selfless love of Christ.

In the New Testament, the term Diakonia is often used to describe the believer’s role in serving others.

One example of this is found in 1 Peter 4:10-11, “Serve one another according to the gift each person has received as a good steward of God’s grace. If any man speaks, let him speak as one who speaks the word of God; if anyone serves, let him do it in the strength that God has given him, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. He has glory and power forever and ever! Amen.”

The church must serve because it follows the example of the Lord Jesus.

In the Bible, Jesus taught that serving people is an important aspect.

Through serving, the church can know and provide assistance to those who need it. Love is not just a word, but must be implemented in action. If someone says they love someone else, but there is no implementation of that love, will that love be meaningful?

Through serving, churches can build relationships and create opportunities. Many people who do not know Jesus can feel the embodiment of Christ’s love through the ministry of the church.

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