ArticleChrist-centered Community

Stefanus Kristianto profile picture
Stefanus Kristianto

3 min read - 9 August 2022

At the time of the New Testament, the word ekklesia could actually refer to various types of groups of people, including groups of confused people. In Acts 19:32, for example, Luke wrote, 'Meanwhile the people gathered in the building shouted; one says this and another says that, because they (ekklesia) are confused and most of them do not know what they are gathering for.'

Of course, the 'church' is not a group of confused people! Apart from the relational aspect of community, another thing that distinguishes the 'church' from other forms of community is its focus on Jesus Christ. Jesus is the center, head, and leader of the “church.”

The 'church' is not just a collection of people who have the same relationship or interests, if that were the care, just any community or even gangs also have similar characteristics. What makes the 'church' different from other forms of association is its focus on Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ became the central and main figure there, not any other person. This is important because without Jesus Christ, a “church” will cease to be a “church.” It is Jesus Christ who makes a “church” “church.”

This carries several important implications. If Christ is the center, then the church should not make other things its center and attraction. Unfortunately, many churches are tempted to put something else at the center, whether it's a certain servant of God, a certain character, or even prizes and sweepstakes. What should be the main appeal of the church is Christ himself, nothing else.

If Christ is the center, then the church must also be aware that the goal they must achieve is the glory of Christ. A theology lecturer named Joas Adiprasetya once said that during the pre-pandemic period, churches tended to focus on ABC, meaning Attendance, Building, and Cash. Unfortunately, during the pandemic the church did not learn much. They only changed their focus to FLV, namely Followers, Likes, and Viewers. Here, the church must remember that its calling is to magnify the name of Christ, not the name of the institution.

If Christ is the center, then what the church should preach from its pulpit is the word of Christ, not various forms of motivational lectures. What the church must live by is the commandment of Christ, and not the tips for living a successful and rich life. Likewise, if Christ is the center, then what really has to be done in the church is the will of Christ, not the desires of certain people. Again, Jesus Christ is the central Person in the church. Without Him, the church itself ceases to be a church.