5 Benefits of Sunday School for Your Little One's Faith Growth, Moms Must Know!
Sunday School is a simple activity organized by the church, especially for children. Following are the benefits and the role of the church application in it.
5 minutes5 minutes - 3 May 2023
Are you looking for the right Christian parenting tips for your family? In the development of world life, the family is a special place and the basis of civilization. This is due to the presence of children in a family. Children as the next generation, children as future agents of change.
Not surprisingly, the church also views a family as special. Because, the church considers, the family is the first and foremost place for a person to grow. Both grow psychologically, personality, and faith in their beliefs.
Given the importance of the existence of children for the continuity of the church, the church also emphasizes the importance of the role of parents in educating and preparing children’s mentality and faith so that they grow into physically and mentally healthy individuals for the preaching of God’s kingdom and the future of the church.
Education is not only aimed at forming children into intellectually mature individuals, but also making them spiritually mature individuals who enable them to seek the truth and develop love.
Every parent is responsible for his family life as a consequence of his life choices. Family life is not just giving birth to offspring. But more than that, they must carry out faith and moral education in children as the next generation of the church and nation.
The family as the basis for the formation of self and personality of children, especially the formation of faith in children, must carry out its role properly and responsibly. Faith education for children is the duty of parents that cannot be taken away by other parties. Parents have the full right and responsibility for their child’s faith education. Parents are the main educators when it comes to faith in children. This means that parents must actively educate their children and be involved in the faith education process of their children.
This is very important so that children see that faith is not only to be taught but also to be practiced, and to be passed on later if these children have formed their own families in the future.
In terms of children’s moral development, parents must teach children to behave and speak the right words. While in society, children must be taught to have a sense of sympathy and empathy for others.
All of these things can be done by parents through the example of his life in the family and society. For this reason, parents must instill faith in their children as early as possible in various ways.
So how do parents introduce faith to their little ones? Here are three Christian parenting tips for you.
Prayer is the simplest form for parents to introduce what faith is to their little one. Teach simple prayers that are commonly used in everyday life. Such as evening prayers, prayers before and after meals, prayers before studying, and so on.
Because children are great imitators, you don’t need to hesitate to set an example for your children. Like asking him to pray at dinner with the family. Thus, children will see the positive habits of their parents.
Not only that, you can also ask your little one to lead the prayer. In addition to growing his faith, your little one can learn to overcome fear and want to lead a group, even on a very modest scale.
Apart from educating him at home, as a parent, you still need to invite your children to regularly participate in spiritual activities at church. As is known, the Church has a variety of spiritual activities that can be adjusted to the age and group of your children.
You can start by inviting him to attend Sunday school. In addition to growing faith, Sunday school activities also help children socialize with each other. Children will adapt and actualize themselves with their peers.
Support your little one every time he participates in spiritual activities at church. This is because children are also part of development and agents of change for the church itself. By preparing it early on, it is hoped that future generations of the church will still have large members who are willing to develop the church.
The future of the church and nation is determined by the family because it is in the family that children are born and grow to be adults. Family is the field of life for children, parents must water the seeds of life with the values of truth and faith. In other words, the family is the smallest but most influential social unit in church life.
Parents as the main educators in terms of faith in children means that parents must actively educate children and be involved in the faith education process of their children. To support this, the church as a house for worship and strengthening faith can play a bigger role by utilizing digitalization.
Read also: 5 benefits of Sunday school for your little ones' faith growth moms must know!
Regarding faith education for children, church officials can use ChMS to help develop every church program. Especially programs aimed at church development.
One of the solutive applications is Erista ChMS. In this application, administrators can take advantage of various features for various needs. One of them is the group management feature. From this feature, it will be easier for administrators to manage each schedule of church activities. Starting from worship schedules, service schedules, to Sunday school schedules.
Church administrators can take advantage of the group management feature which can make it easier for you to communicate with congregation groups. This feature allows churches to easily schedule announcements or communicate with people in their congregations through a single application. It’s worth recommending, right?
So what are you waiting for? Immediately register your church on Erista ChMS by clicking here!
Sunday School is a simple activity organized by the church, especially for children. Following are the benefits and the role of the church application in it.
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