ArticleChristian Parenting: 3 Ways to Introduce the Teachings of Love to Children from an Early Age

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Dinda Fitria Sabila

5 minutes - 26 April 2023

Erista ChMS: 3 Ways to Introduce the Teachings of Love to Children from an Early Age

Not only paying attention to the growth and development of their little ones, parents also have an important role in the development of the baby’s character. This is important because it will have an impact on his life in the future.

Character and personality, closely related to spiritual teachings. According to the Christian faith, parents have an obligation to educate their children according to the Word of God. One of God’s words is the teaching of Love.

What is the Law of Love in Church Teachings?

Christians are indeed obliged to apply the law of love in everyday life. Even the command regarding the law of love was conveyed by Jesus through the Bible, to be precise through the Gospels of Matthew and Mark.

The law of love conveyed by Jesus is the basis of all life, especially in fighting for human rights. This is because the declaration of the law of love of Jesus confirms the guarantee of human dignity. So that humans and others can live together with peace, justice, and truth.

The essence of the law of love, namely that humans must be willing to forgive. Including when facing the worst action. If there is someone who hurts, people must forgive and repay him with kindness.

The love for humans in question should not be discriminatory. This love must be given without discriminating against ethnicity, religion, race, ethnicity, culture, and other differences. Besides that, there is another law that is to be conveyed through the law of love, which is self-love. Christians must accept and love themselves as they are.

So what is the role of parents in teaching love to children? And how can parents introduce the teachings of the law of love to their little ones?

Parenting Tips How to Introduce the Teachings of Love to Children Early on

Here are 3 ways to introduce the teachings of love to children from an early age that you can do.

Invite Children to Read the Bible

The first step that parents must take is to invite their little one to read the scriptures from an early age. It doesn’t need a long duration, 15-30 minutes before going to bed, invite your little one to read God’s word in the holy book.

Parents can give children special readings that contain the words of God. Like the stories of the prophets, as well as the journey of Jesus teaching His disciples. Picture stories, in simple language, can help your little one to be more interested in reading.

Not to forget, exemplify the teachings of love in everyday life, by giving a short simple reflection. Reading short reflections can also be another alternative so that children don’t get bored reading the scriptures.

We can get daily devotional books for children in stores that sell various spiritual needs. Look for devotionals that have pictures for them to look at as they will be more interesting.

Teach Children to Read Reflections on Characters in the Bible

Read reflections that elevate Bible characters to our children who can also teach them the good values that can be drawn from this.

Apart from being introduced to your family, you can also invite your little one to be active in Sunday school activities at church. In Sunday school, children will meet their peers and receive spiritual lessons according to their age. Of course this will be very beneficial for the spiritual development of your little one.

Teach Your Little one to Share to Grow Sympathy and Empathy for Others

In accordance with the teachings of Jesus Christ, the law of love teaches us to accept and love others as they are. Including forgiving each other, sharing, and helping each other. A simple step that you can teach your toddler is to share toys. Invite your little one to share toys with peers.

This method is an exercise for your little one that can shape the child into a generous person and loves others. Not only that, you can also teach your little one to always say something positive.

Like giving positive compliments. Children who like to be praised at home will grow up to be children who also like to praise others. So make it a habit to convey positive words to children and don’t be stingy in praising children when they do good things or when they excel at school.

The act of helping others is a form of love. You can help your child become a person who likes to help others through daily habits. For example, when cooking in the kitchen, involve children to help. Or when outside the home, encourage children to show concern for others with their actions.

Regarding the application of the teachings of love to your little one, you can invite them to be actively involved in Sunday school. To make it younger, your church can take advantage of the church management software (ChMS) to assist in managerial and scheduling Sunday school regularly. Including what activities will be carried out during Sunday school.

Read Also: 5 tips to educate children with love according to the bible

Erista ChMS as Managerial Solutions and Sunday School Scheduling

ChMS that can be a solution for church management is Erista. With the features offered by Erista, church administrators can carry out various interests. Starting from service schedules, worship schedules, to Sunday school schedules.

Erista ChMS has a variety of features that are used to facilitate church management. Such as a centralized database that is useful for tidying up the church administration system. All administration data for church membership will also be centralized in one database system that has been equipped with a high security system so that the data is highly protected and not easily leaked.

This Erista church software also has a group management feature that can make it easier for you to communicate with congregation groups. This feature allows churches to easily schedule announcements or communicate with people in their congregations through a single application.

How are Mom and Dad? To make church services better, recommend Erista ChMS to your church. Get easier, faster and more efficient church management by registering here!

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