ArticleThe Importance of Christian Religious Education for Church Youths

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Ruth Natasya N.S.

6 minutes - 24 January 2023

Erista: Church management software for the youths
Image by Erista, 2022

The importance of Christian religious education for church youth - Did you know that today's young generation rarely goes to church? Does this have a big impact on the church? Based on the 2018 Bilangan Research Center (BRC) survey which measures congregational activity, it shows that 59% of young respondents aged 18-29 now rarely go to church.

This research proves that the millennial generation is starting to leave the church. What adds to the church's worries is that 36.5% of young people also rarely read the Bible, in fact 4.6% have never read the Bible. Another thing that the church pays attention to today's young generation is that 64% of the younger generation no longer make satay.

This happens, of course, because it has certain causative factors. The causative factor could be the existence of a leadership structure or congregation in the church that is not good, lack of interest in activities or worship procedures in the church, lack of a sense of participating in church activities, feeling the church is too outdated, less relevant to the activities or media or programs they have church, and so on.

Of the several factors that cause today's youth to rarely go to church, one of the factors that the church should pay more attention to is the lack of relevance of activities or programs or media in the church to today's youth. The church needs new and relevant ideas for today's young generation.

The nature of today's young generation is developing very rapidly, therefore the church also needs media that can follow the nature of the younger generation like that. Relevant media to help the church return to being active in the church are church applications.

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The Importance of Christian Religious Education for Young People and Building Them Through Church Management Software

Many people don't know about church apps. The church application is management software that can be used by churches as a medium to help and facilitate church work. Starting from the affairs of congregation data collection, scheduling of church or worship activities, congregational communication, worship procedures, and others.

Church Management Software (a.k.a ChMS) have started to be heard by the public since 2020, when the Covid 19 virus was rampant and required everyone to carry out their activities at home, including worship. Like it or not, the church must use online media to help its ministry to the congregation, even though it cannot be done directly. At this time, the church also began to realize the importance of church practice. The church realizes that they need media that can add all their services in just one medium so that the church doesn't need a lot of media and doesn't need to be manual one by one in handling its work.

Please note, the church has many functions that really help the church in expediting its work. Many Church Management Software available today have their own functions that can be used. There are church apps aimed at pastors or church admins. The functions of this church application include recording congregations, arranging church or worship activity schedules, creating small groups and service groups, keeping contacts of each congregation, collecting prayer requests from congregations, giving birthday wishes to congregations and so on.

The usefulness of this application is to help facilitate the work of church servants to be more coordinated, structured and well organized. The church needs media like this to cover all of its work and activities in only one medium. There are also church apps that work to help congregation needs. The function of this application is to help the congregation's faith grow. Usually the contents of this application are reflections during quiet times, Bible verses, videos of worship, and so on.

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Why is Church Management Software a Relevant Media in Educational Development for the Church's Young Generation?

Church practice is especially relevant for churches reaching young people for several good reasons. The first reason is because in one application the church has embraced most of the ministries needed by today's young generation. Sometimes, the younger generation gets bored of going to church because they feel the church regulations and service program guidelines are too many and convoluted. With the church application, it is easier for the younger generation because they can access church programs and services through applications that can be accessed using mobile phones that they can use in their daily lives.

The reason these two apps are relevant to the church generation is because of the fast access of church apps. All church information can be accessed by the younger generation anywhere and anytime. In addition, the church can also quickly convey and inform something that can be directly accessed by the congregation. This is very relevant to the nature of the younger generation who want something quickly.

The third reason that makes Church Management Software relevant to the younger generation is the large selection of features provided by Church Management Software. The many features in Church Management Software make the younger generation have many choices to use. This can be a new insight for them.

All the features provided by the church application are actually very relevant for today's young generation. However, there are some features that are especially relevant for the younger generation. These features are group features and schedule reminders. The group feature is relevant for the younger generation to group them together so that they are more comfortable and flexible in communicating with each other as they are together at their age. In this way, they can share testimonies with one another and grow in faith together.

The busyness of today's young generation sometimes makes them forget the schedule of services or services at church. The schedule reminder feature is very effective and relevant for today's young generation because it can be reminded automatically via email or WhatsApp, which they often open on their cellphones. In this way help the younger generation to come to church more often.

So, which Church Management Software is suitable for church youths?

Erista is one example of church management software that is suitable for the younger generations. Not only does it have many features and benefits, Erista also has a user interface that will appeal to church youths. Not only that, Erista is also one of the most affordable church management software in the world.

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