ArticleChMS As The Best Solution For Today's Church Management

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Belinda Fransiska

4 minutes - 3 March 2023

Erista ChMS: The Best Solution For Today's Church Management

Church management software or ChMS the best church management solution today In this modern era, it is undeniable that technology has become a friend to all humans.

The presence of technology itself is able to make it easier for humans to carry out activities. By using technology, the work activities carried out will feel lighter and easier to carry out. Because of this convenience, the relationship between technology and humans has become even closer.

This is in accordance with the presentation of Hendra, CEO and Co-Founder of Payfazz which was written in an article titled Technology Development in the Digital Era, regarding the industry revolution.

He said that in the manufacturing era, humans tended to depend on manual labour, while in the digital era, humans tended to use technological assistance, resulting in a combination of manual and digital businesses.

In the future, existing applications will evolve into Artificial Intelligence or AI. This is because the more data the application ecosystem gets, the more likely it is to create a system with Artificial Intelligence.

This makes the relationship between humans and technology increasingly inseparable.

That is why using technology is the right decision. Mainly to facilitate the performance of workers in a company or even a church management system or ChMS.

This can be started from now, namely by studying the role and variety of information related to technology. Both in the component of managing the company's operational activities or the data collection system, communication, or collaboration of a church.

One of the most important is actually when an organisation or company can have an application to organise and manage these operational activities. Why? Because the application makes things easier and faster.

However, the question is,

Does the Church Need Church Management Software or ChMS?

The presence of technology in the church itself can also be seen from various sides, such as the use of loudspeakers or writing to make it easier for sermons to be more acceptable to the congregation, or most recently the use of the internet network to make online worship options possible.

According to a journal entitled Christian Education and Theology written by Trevor Loranto Watulingas, the progress of the information-communication system, which is currently worldwide, greatly supports the pace of church development.

This is because evangelism through electronic media such as television and radio has a wide scale, because it can reach millions of viewers, various ethnic groups and all walks of life.

It can be said that the use of technology in churches has also occurred and provides convenience in various aspects. In addition, technological developments themselves will continue to occur. To deal with this unavoidable technological development, it is necessary to increase mastery of the technology itself.

Why is that? Because basically, advances in technology can make human life better, easier, cheaper, faster, and safer.

One example of using technology that will have a good impact is using ChMS or church management software. The software itself can replace the recording process which was previously done manually with paper only, so this also supports the environmentally friendly movement because it is paperless.

In addition, the use of software or applications in the process of recording data at the church also reduces the possibility of data loss and facilitates the processing of existing data.

So you can be sure that the use of church management software or ChMS will have a positive impact, because like the purpose of using the technology itself, using ChMS will also make performance easier, cheaper, faster and safer.

Read also: Advantages of using church application

After reading the sentence above, maybe some of us agree with an explanatory statement above, and then ask about a solution such as, where can we find a ChMS platform that is relevant to our church? See the next explanation.

Erista: Company for Developing Church Management Software (ChMS)

Erista is a technology company that provides and develops innovative features to make ministry in the church more powerful and effective. By using an application or ChMS, it is hoped that congregational data management will be more effective and efficient.

In addition, Erista also provides a free trial period service to ensure that using ChMS will provide convenience to the church.

Erista also understands that every church may have different needs, so we can also customise applications for needs that may not yet be available.

And with the possibility that there will still be many developments that will still occur in the technology system, Erista will continue to make updates to keep up with existing developments by continuing to regularly update the ChMS that the church uses.

Read Also: Free Church App

By using Erista ChMS, the church has made one of its efforts in dealing with technological advances in today's era.

Erista is a Church Management Software that can be used free forever for churches under 100 members. What are you waiting for? Try Erista starting today. Register here.

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