ArticleListen! 3 Easy Ways to Build Congregational Potential for Church Development

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Dinda Fitria Sabila

5 minutes - 3 April 2023

Erista ChMS: Build Congregational Potential for Church Development

The importance of building the potential of the congregation for church development - The church is a community of believers who believe in Jesus Christ. As a community, the church is a means for fellow believers to interact with one another, one of which is developing the potential and development of the church itself.

In the course of the shepherding process, the church really needs to pay attention to the potential and talents of each congregation that is its member. This is due to the development of the church itself in the future.

For this reason, the first thing that must be known by the church is to know every potential possessed by its congregation. Potential itself has the meaning of a person’s basic ability that is hidden, but the results can be felt if it is honed or developed properly. This is the reason why it is important to develop the potential of church congregations.

The Importance of Developing the Potential of the Church Congregation

God created every human being unique and different. Every human being is equipped with talents and self-potential that will be useful for his life in the future. Some people have potential in the arts, such as singing, drawing, painting, or dancing. However, not a few have potential in other fields such as sports. Such as basketball, football, karate, and other sports.

Many places around us can become media for channeling potential, including the church itself. As written in the scriptures, God created humans to be unique and different, it is the duty of the church to help its congregation develop and increase their potential.

In fact, the church should be a place for its members to be able to develop their potential. For this reason, the church needs to manage information from its congregation to coordinate and then channel these potentials into positive things. Both for the church itself and for society at large.

By utilizing the ChMS, administrators can easily manage the potential of their own congregation. This is because the personal data and information of each congregation has been accumulated into a centralized database. Here are 3 easy ways to build congregational potential for church development

The Board Organizes Activities That Help Develop the Talents of the Congregation

The first way to help increase the potential of the congregation is by holding events or activities that can become a forum for church development. Invite the congregation to be actively involved in various activities organized by the church.

The church has a liturgical calendar that can be used for a variety of other positive activities, such as holding social service activities in the context of Christmas celebrations, holding blood donation activities, volleyball competitions between congregations, spiritual camping for young people or school children, Bible study, and much more. other activities involving the congregation.

Not only being activity participants, church officials can invite the congregation to be directly involved in the activity committee. Apart from being useful for developing the talents or potential of the congregation, participating in a variety of activities at the church will also strengthen the relationships between congregations.

Involve the Congregation in Various Church Ministry Activities

The second way that can be done to develop the potential of the congregation is to involve the congregation in various church service activities. One of them is by involving the congregation in a church choir or choir group. Administrators can divide the choir into several groups. Such as the children's choir group, the youth group choir group, and the church area choir group.

This is because the choir activities themselves are never separated from worship at the church. By involving the congregation in ministry activities, of course the congregation will grow a sense of belonging to the church. Not only that, through this service activity can also increase the talent and potential that exists in the congregation.

Church Administrators Give Appreciation to the Congregation as Motivation

The third way is by giving appreciation. By giving appreciation to the congregation, it will certainly foster a sense of joy and enthusiasm for the congregation to continue to be involved in church activities. If the congregation is active in church activities, it will indirectly develop the self-potential that exists in the congregation.

Appreciation can be given in any form. It doesn’t have to be fancy and expensive stuff. It can be in the form of simple praise, appreciating performance, or giving gifts such as spiritual books or so on. Apart from creating a feeling of happiness for the recipient of the gift or appreciation, of course this way will motivate other congregations to do the same thing.

Congregations who have never previously been involved in ministry or been active in church activities will feel motivated. That way, more and more congregations will be involved and church activities will run as they should.

Those are some ways that the church can help the congregation to develop and increase their potential. However, the church has several obstacles such as difficulty providing event information or grouping congregational data.

Regarding the development of the potential of congregations in the church, administrators can take advantage of Erista’s church management software (ChMS). Erista is a ChMS that offers an all in one package to help churches overcome this problem.

With the congregation’s data collection feature, the church can find out who the members of its congregation are and can record what potential the congregation has through the Erista ChMS. One of its features, namely group management, helps churches to group congregations based on the potential they each have.

Apart from that, there is also an automatic message feature that can help the church to be able to notify or inform any activities or events that will be carried out by the church. With these features, Erista can help churches develop the potential of their congregations through technological media.

Come on, do church development more easily and practically with Erista ChMS. Register now here!

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