ArticleImproving church relations with church management software

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Ruth Natasya N.S.

5 minutes - 13 January 2023

Erista: Improving church relations with church management software
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Can Church Management Software help improve relations within the church? Three keys to how to build church fellowship activity - Fellowship is a relationship or collaboration of two or more people who join together to form a group for mutual benefit or achieve common goals, whether using an agreement or not. The church as a place for faith growth which also has a congregation in it, has fellowship to help the faith growth of fellow congregations. The church has a responsibility towards communion within it. The church must know its own way so that fellowship within the church can be closely intertwined.

Three Keys to Building Church Fellowship Activities

There are many fellowships that can be found in the church. Examples of fellowship in the church are Sunday school fellowship, youth, seniors, women, and many more. In building a close church fellowship, special keys are needed. According to Rev. Julius Ray Manurung, one of the pastors of the Sidang-Jemaat Allah Church (GSJA) Sungai Hidup Surabaya, these are the keys to strengthening fellowship in the church:

Intense Communication

Communication is the initial key to building a close alliance. With communication, congregations can interact with each other both with fellow congregations and with church officials such as pastors. Communication is also a means of conveying opinions so that they can be accepted and heard by the congregation or church administrators concerned. In addition, communication within the fellowship can also share insights and knowledge among fellowship members.

Mutual Appreciation and Respect

In the fellowship there must also be mutual respect and respect for fellow members of the fellowship. This understanding is necessary to prevent problems or disputes from occurring which could lead to divisions in the fellowship. Appreciating differences is also important so that the church fellowship becomes harmonious, peaceful, and harmonious coexistence both inside and outside the church. With this feeling, the alliance relationship will become stronger.


Deliberation comes from the word Syawara which means to negotiate, negotiate or say and propose something. In the Indonesian constitution, the term deliberation is defined as deliberation and democracy. This deliberation is needed by church associations so that the congregation can reach a mutual agreement, so that decision making in the church is obtained from the results of a joint decision. With deliberation it is hoped that the results of the decision can be implemented by all members of the congregation with full sense of responsibility.

Those are some ways that can be the key to strengthening fellowship in the church. However, to do this, the church sometimes has constraints in terms of time and distance from the congregation.

The Solution to Building Church Fellowship Activities through Church Management Software

The church needs a medium that can realize fellowship activities in order to build a more enjoyable ministry. Media that is now diverse will help the ministry of the church not to be monotonous. Churches can collaborate and innovate using today's media. One example of media that can make ministry more enjoyable is a church application.

The church app is a church management software designed to be easy and fast. All church activities such as data collection, communication and collaboration can be carried out on this one platform. So that with this the church can more easily manage the church. Especially to establish closeness or alliance with congregations and others.

The current church application that we can recognize is the erista church application. A church application that helps churches strengthen fellowship in the church through the small group erista feature. This small group/membership feature helps churches communicate with congregations to connect with one another.

Especially for pastors and group leaders who find it easier to organize their group members in some of the activities that might be held by the church. So that in this way the church can obtain maximum results in strengthening the fellowship of its congregation.

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