ArticleBest Church Management Software or ChMS in Indonesia Right Now
Ruth Natasya N.S.
6 minutes - 27 January 2023
The four best church applications in Indonesia - In modern times like now, technological developments are getting more advanced from year to year, and forcing everyone to keep abreast of technological developments so that they can adapt and survive in technological advances. This also applies to churches that need to adapt to developments. Especially in his church management system. Why? because the success of a church lies in the management of a church. Where the development of the times requires the church to be more creative and wise in making decisions.
As with the following thoughts "is the management media that I use relevant for church management? Is this media reliable in dealing with church problems? such as communication problems, data collection and collaboration and so on. Therefore this is the reason why the church application was created, namely to help answer challenges or problems that exist in the church. So that the church can handle it easily and quickly and use the application in managing its church.
How is the development of church applications in Indonesia?
According to Marc in 2007, church applications come along with advances in technology. The era that continues to develop makes developers innovate a technology-based device that can help with church tasks and services called the church application.
The Covid 19 virus pandemic hit Indonesia, requiring that Indonesian people cannot meet face to face to avoid the Covid 19 virus. In the end, they decided that all activities must be carried out online or offline, including church services. Meetings can only be held with various application media such as live YouTube, G-meet, Zomm, and so on.
It is in this development that the importance of using new church applications is felt by the church. The church congregation is starting to make a shift in the way of worship from what used to have to come directly to the church, now they have to use technology in an effort to worship God. There are so many things that are owned by technology, needed in the church starting from using church applications, using media for worship such as live streaming Youtube, Zoom applications, G meet and so on.
What is the view of the church in Indonesia with the church application?
Initially, the church felt that it did not need an application because services could be done offline and because it was too convenient to collect data manually. However, along with the times, technology, coupled with the existence of the Covid 19 pandemic yesterday, forced the church to carry out reforms in the field of technology. Now, the church already knows and feels the benefits of the church application. The church's response to the application is increasing as well as its use.
Digital media is now getting more and more attention because it has many benefits and advantages, especially digital applications. The ever-developing world is now filled with digital media. People now prefer to use the digital world, churches that have congregations must switch to church applications such as websites or mobile applications.
Switching a church to a mobile app or website can be more beneficial for providing congregations and communities with fast and easy technology-based downloads and access. Therefore, the church really needs the use of applications in its ministry.
Indonesia has many church applications that are not only used by Indonesians but also people from other countries. The types, functions, and uses of each church application also vary, from managing databases, church financial needs, the Bible, digital attendance, service management, and many more. The church can choose according to its needs only.
The church must also know good and well-known church applications so they can truly understand how to use them. Here are the four best church applications in Indonesia:
GerejaSoft is a sub-division of Viracle Corp, a company engaged in the Multimedia and IT field with 22 years of experience and has helped the business world and the service world such as developing e-Learning, GBI Synod DPA Data Collection System, WBI National Congress and others. other. GerejaSoft is the oldest existing church app. Therefore it is natural that many churches use GerejaSoft's services.
The system that GerejaSoft uses is called CORE. CORE is an information technology system specially developed to encourage church growth. In this system there are features that help the church improve its ministry. These features include church databases, online bible studies, TV churches and more.
Shiftsoft is a church application software created to speed up and simplify the management of all church activities, provide accurate and up-to-date data for church leaders, and always connect the church with congregations, especially millennials. The features provided by ShifSoft include membership management, spiritual journey, event management, circle management, bidding management, asset ordering, news scheduling service and notifications. These features are made according to Shiftsoft's mission, which is to help churches achieve goals and solve problems using the latest technology.
Reborn is a church application that was founded in 2015. The initial establishment of this application stems from a community of Christian students who long to work for God through digital ministry and the latest fields. This application helps the church in the field of information technology and ministry. The Reborn application has features that can help church services. These features include data collection, service builder, event management, classroom, and others.
Erista is a church management software made by PT. Erista Dwatiga Teknologi that helps churches and congregations connect easily and quickly. Starting from data input, administration, scheduling and event services, to automatic reminders. Erista will start construction at the end of 2021, located in Surabaya, Indonesia.
With the latest application models and modern application models adapted to the needs of today's millennial generation, Erista can be the church's choice in embracing the millennial generation. The features provided by Erista to assist church services include church databases, service groups, schedule recording, and others. These features can help the church improve its ministry to the congregation.
The free church application is a medium that provides opportunities for churches to try a sophisticated, easy and fast church management service system before subscribing. So take this opportunity to stay connected with your church members.
Erista Dwatiga Teknologi is a technology company that makes applications for churches. This software can be used to help and support churches starting from the internal church ministers themselves. Erista began at the end of 2021, located in Surabaya, Indonesia. The name Erista came from its founders, namely Eric, Ricky, and Indarta.
The current millennial generation is always up to date, trending, and wants new things. This is caused by globalization. Therefore, the church must also adapt by modernizing the technology and media used for ministry. Church applications or software is one of the technologies that is now often used by the younger generation.